API Integrations

Synchronize your website or app with our access control system

Manage events, import your data, generate PDF tickets, get statistics
Manage your events
Automate the process so you don't have to do it manually.
Create an event
By creating an event on your website or in the app, it will be automatically created with us.
Manage tickets
The API allows you to instantly add or remove tickets, as well as mark passages.
Generate Ticket
Use our templates or upload your own.
Available soon
PDF file request
Generate a ticket via the API and send it to the client.
Different templates available
Use our templates or upload your own.
Statistics Data
Get and analyze ticket management and event access data.
Available soon
Access Statistics
Find out when and how many people attended your event.
Tickets quantity
See how many tickets have been added to the system for a certain period.
Sign In
Restore access